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When seconds count - get your CPL


Applied Tactical Defense offers comprehensive self-defense instruction that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. We offer Concealed Pistol License classes, safety and awareness tips, and tactics for escaping and defending against dangerous situations.

We help train you with the knowledge & skills to keep your family & yourself safe.

Our Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals (CPL Course) meets and exceeds the requirements to apply for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License.

We provide comprehensive instruction on how to protect yourself, your family, and your home. Our CPL Course covers everything from self-defense and avoidance techniques, to situational awareness, home security and defense basics, shooting fundamentals, the effects of a violent encounter, and the legal aspects of using deadly force. We will also cover gear, gadgets and continued training.

We also provide personal training packages that are individually tailored to each customer's needs, utilizing technology as visual reinforcement of areas for focus.

Students will be required to bring a minimum of 50 rounds of factory ammunition and a hand gun. We do not allow the use of re-loaded ammunition for the safety of our class. If you do not have a hand gun, we have loaners you can rent for the class.

How Safe is Your Community?

Are you wondering how safe your community truly is? So many community websites inflate rankings because they obviously want people to move to their community.  However, provides honest assessments of how safe your community is based on ZIP code and areas within each community. So don't get fooled by the tourist rankings . . . and find out the real statistics.

Knowledge & Situational Awareness
are critical to your safety


 We partner with some of the most experienced and respected organizations in the industry to add value to our customers.

Midwest Magnum Logo
P2P Global Solutions
Central Arms logo

Give the Gift of Protection

The perfect gift for any occasion!

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